New Horizon

What is Quantum Healing?

October 21, 20247 min read

“We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.” - Dannion Brinkley

What exactly is Quantum Healing?

Quantum healing is taking a client into memories of their current life past, a past life or parallel life or other lifetime through the use of hypnosis, energy and/or intention.  It is quantum in that it’s multidimensional which means healing can occur on all levels – physical, emotional, spiritual and mental.  In addition, quantum suggests healing can occur without regard for proximity.  Both QHHT and BQH involve the client bringing a list of questions that they’d like answers to in their life – about their past, present or future, about their friends, family or loved ones.  Whatever the client considers to be important and they need direction on. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a method created by Dolores Cannon (past life regressionist) and is an amazing modality for experiencing a past life or other life to explain some issues the client is experiencing and then after the past life is finished, the Higher Self is called in to answer the client’s questions and give guidance and healing if and where appropriate.  After the Higher Self finishes and questions answered and healing given (if needed and appropriate) the client is then brought back to everyday waking consciousness and a discussion is had after the session to see what came up and to ground the client back to their current reality.  QHHT sessions cannot be done online.  It is not permitted.  They must be done in-person.

"I developed my own technique which exclusively utilizes the somnambulistic state of trance. This is the method by which I am able to tap into a vast wealth of information by communicating dirctly with the subconscious mind." (Dolores Cannon, Convoluted Universe Book 1, page (i))

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a heart and energy-based modality which also utilizes the use of hypnosis, setting an intention for the session and inducing a shift in consciousness to access past life memories, current life memories, parallel lives or other lives.  Then, when the exploration part of the past is over, the client’s healing team is called in where anyone can come in to answer the client’s questions.  This can range from angels, guides, the higher self, the counsel of light, ETs, future self, animal guide or other great many beings.  Whomever is appropriate and only of the highest vibration, comes into the session to impart their knowledge and wisdom as appropriate and whomever is best suited to help the client with their particular issues.  So help is not limited to the Higher Self (although the Higher Self is truly amazing), but any being of high vibration willing to come in and help does so.  Healing is done on all levels and removal of old karma from this life or any other lifetimes. 

After contact with the healing team, the client is brought back to waking consciousness and a discussion is had afterwards talking about what came up during the session and for grounding the client.  BQH sessions are allowed to be done online so this is a great way to experience a quantum healing without Covid protocol and in the comfort of your own home.  All that’s required is of course an internet connection and a way to record the session either by video like Zoom or audio recording.

A session of Quantum Healing would take around 4 hours or more depending on what has happened in the client’s life (1.5 hours for the pre-hypnosis interview, 1.5 – 2 hours under hypnosis and 30 minutes of after session care - discussing what came up in the session and making sure the client is fully oriented back in this time and this place).  With Quantum Healing, the client would write a list of questions – 25 or 30 is a good number – that they would like answers to in their life.  Those questions can be about issues from the past, the present or their future. 

With both modalities, the client’s Higher Self is in control of the session.  We facilitators do not guide you specifically to a lifetime or place you’re curious about.  For that, that can be done in a basic past life regression, but with quantum healing, your higher self or counsel of light, spirit guides know what you need to know in a session so they will take you to the most appropriate time and place to explore and that be the spirit side (if they deem you need to see or speak to a deceased relative or pet), a past life, a past event in this life, the hall of records (akashic records), your future (progression) and with BQH they will delegate the most appropriate team for you to connect with. 

In a QHHT session it is possible to:

  • Explore the past in the current life.

  • Explore a past or parallel life.

  • Explore the spirit side.

  • Explore the Akashic Records.

  • Connect to the Higher Self for answers to questions and/or healing where appropriate.

  • Connect to God/Source.

  • Connect to the client’s guardian angel.

  • See the future and heal the past.

  • Heal illness of any kind where appropriate.

In a BQH session it is possible to:

Do all of the above and in addition:-

  • Allows the practitioner to have an online session via computer (Skype, Zoom etc) or What'sApp.

  • Connect to a great many other beings such as:

Angels, guides, archangels, God, energy collectives, the Higher Self, past self, future self, shadow self, Light Counsel, ETs, interstellar beings, soul self, superconscious self, the body, deceased pets and family members and many more!

  • Receive further healing from the practitioner which can or may include whatever other modality the practitioner is proficient in – eg energy healing, reiki, soul realignment, or other healing modality as directed or guided to do so.


Here's what some clients have said about their sessions:

Client Testimonials

To be honest, Quantum Healing is so amazing and so life changing, I certified myself in QHHT Levels 1 and 2 because I saw how amazing this could be in helping so many people understand issues from their past and where appropriate, heal those issues! I have had a client who was able to heal his prostate cancer during the session - I will share this in a separate blog post.

I have had clients come to me to ask about their future - something I wanted to know myself and why I had so many sessions myself. I have had clients who just wanted to resolve past family issues with a parent who was no longer here but in spirit and when they spoke to their Higher Selves and understood that it was "a learning" for them and that they chose it, profound change happens to that person because they no longer carry hate, blame or resentment about it. They are able to fully let it go. The only people that those emotions hurt is us.

So, if you'd like to experience a session, please do get in touch with me. I'd be happy to schedule a session and we can do it online. Imagine how your life could change speaking to your Higher Self - and maybe even God/Source. How crazy could that be?! Imagine knowing that you don't really die but live on in spirit and you go back there happy to have lived the life but also reviewing how you did and what you could do better on next time?! That's what happens. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself and book a session. Just email me on [email protected] and we will get it arranged.

To prepre for a session, all you have to do is create a list of questions you would like answers to - about 25 or 30 is a good number. Even 20 questions and they can be about your past, present or future. Maybe you want to know if moving jobs would be good for you. Maybe you want to know when you're going to meet your soulmate or start a business. Whatever your reasons, you can get all the insight you need with a Quantum Healing Session for £222.

A good thing to do before a session is to practice meditating or just being able to fully relax. You can even check out my course on Higher Self Connection before hand - it's not a requirement but can certainly help you KNOW you're connecting to your Higher Self during the session. You can check it out here:

Love and light to you all.

Tracy xx


Founder of Spiritual Hypno, Author, Spiritual Mentor & Past Life Regressionist

Tracy Armitage

Founder of Spiritual Hypno, Author, Spiritual Mentor & Past Life Regressionist

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