Founder of Spiritual Hypno, author of Spiritualize Me and avid believer in past life regression to heal past trauma...
I want to tell you a little bit about me. Firstly, I am from Northern Ireland but have lived many places around the world (Channel Islands, Saudi Arabia, London, Montreal, & Brittany, France). I was born in the late 70s and grew up in a town called Downpatrick in County Down (where St Patrick is supposed to be buried - see picture below).
I always had a fascination when I was younger with ghost stories, tarot cards, fortune tellers and things that were "other worldly" and I remember the first time I heard someone mention Past Life Regression I was so intrigued! But back then (I think I was in my early 20s) I hadn't had my spiritual awakening and it was back in the day when having access to a computer was only in college or in the library. We didn't all have our own computers or it was just starting to come in - I know, can you even imagine there was a time when we used to have to go the library?! Amazon wasn't even a thing then!
But fast forward to my 30s. I'm working in the Middle East as a secretary for an oil company. I started dating someone who was a different religion to me - and I'm not religious, I don't practice any religion, I'm very open that way. He wanted me to change my religion so that we could get married and have children. I said I would learn about it first (I'm not the type to dismiss something without trying it or at least finding our more information). And so I studied his religion twice a week. On the other nights, I began my own research into whether there really was something more? I started pondering life's BIG questions, you know, like is there really a God? Where do we go when we die? Are we meant to follow a religion? Or is there something else? Is there something more to this life? What's my purpose?
And thus began my spiritual journey. During the course of doing my own reasearch into what happens after we die, I came across concepts that made so much more sense to me than any religious dogma. And I'm not knocking any religion - it all has a purpose and I'm very aware of that. I'm also very grateful that it started me on this path!
My logic was that since I was on a quest to find out the answers to life's BIG questions, I began to study Near Death Experiences (NDE's) as I wanted to know what people who have had that experience, had to say about life after death (if there was such a thing) and I watched video after video on YouTube and bought books on the topic. I studied Near Death Experiences like my life depended on it - and in a way, my future depended on my decision of whether I could actually change my religion. Needless to say, I didn't marry the guy and have the kids. I stayed on the spiritual path, searching for my own truth.
Some of the NDE's I came across where so amazing! I read all about Dannion Brinkley (Saved by the Light) and I watched the movie about his life. I read Nanci Danison's Backwards Beliefs book, I watched and learned about the most incredible but medically documented NDE ever - that of Pam Reynolds. Pam had an aneurism in her brain that required the Doctors to in effect, make sure she was clinically dead before they could operate on that particular part of the brain. So, they stopped her heart and her brain wave activity and all of this was closely monitored while they operated. After the operation, she was able to relay back to them the equipment they had used on her, conversations between the Doctors and nurses and exactly what they did to her. The Doctors said this was impossible for her to know because her eyes were taped shut before she was even wheeled into theatre and there was no way she could see any equipment - but yet she described it in detail.
Evey single NDE I read about or watched (and there have been many) fascinated me even more and so, down the rabbit hole I went!
During this "research" many synchronicities happened to me at the same time - things like seeing repetitive number sequences, to the point that it was no longer even a possibility that it was just mere coincidence, it was definitely something else happening. I would meet the right people, who would lend me a book and then drove me even further into my research. I was just in awe of finding out all about this "other world" that was available to us - a world where such things existed like guardian angels, past lives and even a higher self to answer all our questions!!!!
Yes, during my immersion down the rabbit hole, reading book after book, watching video after video I accidently stumbled across the work of Dolores Cannon and that led me to the work of Michael Newton and then Brian Weiss (all of the greats in the field of past lives). Of course, I know now that NOTHING (NO-THING) is ever an ACCIDENT, there's no such thing as coincidence - everything is divinely orchastrated for the growth of your soul and expansion of your consciousness.
Once I came across Dolores Cannon I read all about her and was hooked on the idea of Past Life Regression. I bought ALL of her books and ALL of Michael Newton's books. I have so many books now on Past Life Regression, Life After Death, NDEs, and of course no spiritual quest would be complete without the works of Neale Donald Walsch Conversations with God (4 books).
At the exact time I "stumbled" on Dolores Cannon, she was releasing her Level 1 QHHT course online (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) and I realised I could learn Past Life Regression and do this myself to help others!
I completed Level 1 and Level 2 QHHT as it's one of the most phenominal modalities I've ever come across but there is a slight restriction in that they don't allow practitioners to do sessions online. QHHT has to be done in person. This was somewhat of a restriction for me because I have travelled all over and lived in many different counteries and didn't want to not do this work just because I can't see clients in person. That made me do another course called Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) as it allowed for sessions to be done online and if I'm honest, QHHT taught us ANYTHING is possible!
I love this work so much that I now wish to dedicate myself to the healing and helping of others as well as helping the expansion of consciousness on this planet. This is a crucial time we are entering and I want to be of service.
QHHT Level 2
Levels 1 & 2
Right at this moment I have just started a new course where I will be learning how to read the Akashic Records for myself and others. If you would be interested in volunteering as a subject to let me read for you, please send me an email to [email protected] and I will see what availability I have.
Please bear in mind I work off GMT or GMT+1 Timezone so it may not be feasible to offer readings to clients in parts of the USA due to time differences but do get in touch and let's see what we can do.
Angel Energy Healing
Soul Realignment
Astral Surgery
Simple Past Life Regression
Hypnotherapy & so much more!
If you are interested in being a volunteer for any of my upcoming courses, please do get in touch and let me know. I will keep you in mind for a free session in exchange for a review.
Email [email protected]
Tracy xx
Yes, I love animals. This is me and Marley Moo - he's actually my parents dog and the third dog we have had the priviledge to love in succession (after Suzie & Alfie). Please forgive the hair colour - I am currently transitioning from dark red back to blonde then hopefully silver. :)
This is one of the most frequently visited places in Downpatrick - the grave of St Patrick.
I met Julia Cannon (Dolores Cannon's daughter) when I was in Cornwall, UK doing my Level 2 QHHT Certification.
It's completely free - a 9-page guide to give you some insight on what you might be doing to block your connection. Just click the button below and insert your email in the form!
Quantum Healing is a hypnosis based modality that helps you heal issues from the past (in this life or our lives before) at the quantum level, including illness. It is based on the premise of reincarnation, that we have all lived before and each lifetime provides lessons and learning for our soul. In addition, it includes the premise that physical illness is caused by our habitual negative thinking - every illness is a message - and as such once the message is understood, the illness can be healed (if appropriate).
Yes, Quantum Healing is done through hypnosis - and hypnosis is merely concentrated but relaxed focusing of the mind. It's very safe and no harm can come to you during a Quantum Healing session because there are safety protocols within the methods used.
The benefits to Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing are immense! There's so many benefits, below are a list of what you can gain from a session:
Insight into a current or past illness and healing if appropriate once the message is understood.
Healing on all levels - physical, emotional, spiritual, etheric and mental levels.
You can experience a life you lived before (or several lives) and the meanings of those incarnations and why they are appropriate for you to see now - usually because you are continuing a previous pattern in some way.
An understanding of who you really are at soul level.Discover your true life purpose.
Communication with the Higher Self and other beings of the light (angels, guides etc.)
Obtain guidance about your current life situation if needed.
A deep knowing that you are much more than you think you are and are so loved!
An understanding that you are never alone - you always have a Guardian Angel assgined to you at birth.
Eliminates the fear of death (because you know you've lived before and get to experience that) and so much more!
Right now I offer online past life regression/quantum healing sessions. I will soon be offering Akashkic Records readings, Angel Energy Healings and group regression sessions.
What courses do you offer?
Please see the courses currently available and those that will be coming soon in the courses section of the website.
Courses are online and delivered through accessing the portal with your own unique user name and password.
If you book and pay for a Past Life Regression or Quantum Healing session you can cancel up to 48 hours before and a full refund will be given. If you cancel with less than 48 hours notice, then a non-refundable booking fee of £40 will be retained and the rest refunded.
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With regard to our online courses, if you wish to start an online course straight away you can do so, however, please bear in mind that by doing so and by accessing the course material within the first 14 days you agree to waive the rights to the cooling-off period and therefore no refund will be given.
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