What is Past Life Regression?
Past Life Regression Therapy
What is it?
The ability to take someone into the past, to either view previous events from their current life that they may need to deal with or lives they have lived before through the use of deep hypnosis. The viewing is done in their mind of course using hypnosis and typically with the help of a facilitator who is qualified in the field and can help them access past memories or past life memories.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of relaxed focus. It is like being in a meditative state but having the ability to follow instructions or suggestions from the practitioner and is a perfectly natural state. It is not mind control. The client is always in control and can stop at any time. In fact, we are all in various stages of hypnosis every single day. The light level of hypnosis we all enter when we drive our car on ‘autopilot’ or when we get engrossed in TV or in a good book and perhaps don’t hear someone calling our name or asking us as question because we’re completely immersed with our mind. That light level is the Alpha brain wave level and is just a slight shift in consciousness.
Then you have a deeper level of hypnosis where past life therapy or regression is done and that is in the deep Alpha to Theta brain levels. Again, we are naturally in this deeper level every day twice a day at least – when we wake up in the morning and when we got to sleep at night. So everyone can be hypnotised if they let themselves be because they are naturally in hypnosis every day, several times a day.
Normal hypnosis or hypnotherapy is suggestion therapy and is very therapeutic in itself because you are more susceptible to the suggestions the practitioner is making to your subconscious mind to help you make changes in your life (stop smoking, lose weight, be more confident etc). However, most people don’t realise they need to have their subconscious mind on board in addition to the conscious mind. Suggestion therapy can help the client to a certain level; however, regression therapy gets to the root of problems.
Past Life Regression/Recall is regression therapy and is simply going back in time – regressing back in time to another event in their current lifetime that they may need to deal with (a trauma, incident or event) or back further in time to a past life or lives to have understanding about what’s going on in their life and perhaps receiving insight into repeating patterns that keep on happing in their life. For example, let’s say a client has as a weight issue, then that client will benefit from suggestion therapy of course but in order to find out the cause of the weight issue, regression therapy can do that more effectively because it will take the client back to when the root of the issue started – and it may have been in a past life! One client who had tried lots of diets and couldn’t lose weight no matter what had a regression session and was told to go back to when the issue first started. They want back to the end of another lifetime where they said these words “I will never be free of the weight of this issue.” That was like a binding covenant on their death bed and in this life they carried that over and were never free of the weight!
Once you find the root cause of the issue, regardless of whether it’s a weight issue, loneliness issue, unexplained pain or illness etc. you can understand and heal the root cause many times just simply by acknowledging it and releasing it. Then you use suggestion therapy to help with healthy eating or new behaviours.
Different Types of Past Life Regression.
There are a few different types of regression or different ways to perform this modality. There is:
· Basic Past Life Recall/Regression
· Life Between Lives Regression
· Spirit Releasement Therapy
· Advanced Past Life Regression
· Quantum Healing – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)
· Future Life Progression
What is Basic Past Life Therapy or Past Life Recall?
This involves getting you into a relaxed but concentrated state where you will be able to regress back in time, whether it’s in this life or another life, simply by following my voice and following my instructions. We will be accessing your subconscious mind for age and past life regression sessions. Your subconscious mind is where all your old programming is stored as well as all your past memories (from this life and other lifetimes). Relaxing you helps get you in the state to by-pass your busy conscious mind to access the subconscious mind to tap into those memories to find the reason for a particular issue. We then explore that past life or past memory (it can be a memory from the current life all the way back to being in the womb) and its relation to what’s going on in your current life circumstances now. Eg, let’s say you have developed some pain and you want to know where that’s coming from, that can be explored. You will of course be engaging your imagination as part of the process. You will want to engage all your senses – sight, smell, sound, touch, and sometimes taste. The idea is to have you ‘see’ images of a past event or past life and describe what you are seeing, feeling, sensing etc in the place you are (in your mind). But everyone is different, some people are visual, some are more feeling or knowing or sensing and others hear a voice or sounds. It depends on how you perceive the memory.
The structure of a session goes like this:
Ø Interview/consultation part.
Ø The hypnotic induction (with deepeners if needed)
Ø Client’s safe place
Ø The regression session
Ø Healing modalities (depending on the session requirements)
Ø Bringing the client back to waking consciousness
Ø Post session discussion.
Basic Past Life Regression takes around 2 hours for a session (30 minutes pre-session interview, 1 hour of hypnosis and 30 minutes after session discussion).
What is Life Between Lives?
This is when a client wants to have a regression that concentrates on the exploration of the spirit side – before and after incarnations. This is wonderful to experience because you can go through a death scene in another life and then when the soul “dies” you can ask questions around what’s happening and who comes to meet them when they die, what they do afterwards and where they go. It’s wonderful.
What is Spirit Releasement?
This is when someone has an entity or attachment on them which needs released with love back to the spirit side – it can be someone who was attached to the person in life, someone who has infiltrated their aura because their protection was down and they attached on to them.
What is Quantum Healing?
Quantum healing is taking a client into memories of their past, a past life or parallel life or other lifetime through the use of hypnosis, energy and/or intention. It is quantum in that it’s multidimensional which means healing can occur on all levels – physical, emotional, spiritual and mental. In addition, quantum suggests healing can occur without regard for proximity. Both QHHT and BQH involve the client bringing a list of questions that they’d like answers to in their life – about their past, present or future, about their friends, family or loved ones or any illness they may have and want to know more about or have it healed. Whatever the client considers to be important and they need direction on.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a method created by Dolores Cannon (past life regressionist) and is an amazing modality for experiencing a past life or other life to explain some issues the client is experiencing and then after the past life is finished, the Higher Self is called in to answer the client’s questions and give guidance and healing where appropriate. After the Higher Self finishes and questions answered and healing given (if needed and appropriate) the client is then brought back to everyday waking consciousness and a discussion is had after the session to see what came up and to ground the client back to their current reality.
Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a heart and energy-based modality which also utilizes the use of hypnosis, setting an intention for the session and inducing a shift in consciousness to access past life memories, current life memories, parallel lives or other lives. Contact is then made with the appropriate beings and/or healing team for answering the client’s questions and giving guidance or healing where needed and appropriate. After contact with the healing team, the client is brought back to waking consciousness and a discussion is had afterwards talking about what came up during the session and for grounding the client.
A session of Quantum Healing would take around 4 hours or more depending on what has happened in the client’s life (1.5 hours for the pre-hypnosis interview, 1.5 – 2 hours under hypnosis and 30 minutes of after session discussion). With Quantum Healing, the client would write a list of questions – 25 or 30 is a good number – that they would like answers to in their life. Those questions can be about issues from the past, the present or their future.
How does it work?
It works simply by accessing memories in the subconscious mind. The only way to access those memories is to by-pass the busy conscious mind by getting into a relaxed meditative state and following the instructions of the therapist.
What’s the purpose?
Deep therapeutic healing on many levels. Contact with their Higher Self (in Quantum Healing).
PLRT in all its forms can Transform your Life:
You will go from not having a direction in your life to having a clear and concise path to follow in your life. You can obtain information when making a vital life decision so that you make the best choice for you. Imagine what your life would be like if you could see the wisest counsel on your choices?
PLRT confirms the theory or concept of reincarnation. There are many documented stories where someone has been able to recall details of a previous life and they were able to check that such a person existed before and that their recall was pretty good. However, due to the nature of past life recall, no past life memories are ever 100% accurate and reincarnation can’t be proved with a doubt. But there are a great many cases that suggest very strongly the possibility of reincarnation – 20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. The James Leininger Story etc.
If I decide to try it, what do I do? How do I prepare for a session?
Common Blocks to having a successful session
· Wanting it too much.
· Thinking it’s more complicated than it is.
· Not wanting to use your imagination.
· Not letting yourself relax enough.
· Having preconceived expectations.
What if I can’t be hypnotised?
Everyone can be hypnotised, it's just a question of whether you let yourself be hypnotised and how much resistence you have. You are contstantly in and out of hypnosis every day several times a day - driving on automatic pilot is a form of hypnosis! And Naturally every day, twice a day you go through the brainwave state of theta (where deep quantum healing is done) - when you're waking up in the morning and when you're going to sleep at night.
What if I don’t believe in it?
You don't have to believe in it for it to work and for you to receive information. It would do you good to have a level of belief if and when you have received a healing otherwise your previous thinking (doubting it) can actually undo it.
Do I need to believe in the concept of reincarnation for it to work?
Does it go against my religious beliefs?
Only you can decide that for yourself. Past Life regression is something anyone of any religion can explore. There's no criteria or limitations other than the ones your put on yourself.
Will I invite evil into my home or my life if I do this?
Absolutely not, there are in-built safety protocols in these methods and the client is surrounded by the white light of protection during the session so no harm can come through.
Intrigued? Want to know more?
Then join my mailing list to find out some interesting session stories where I found out about meeting my future partner 3 years before I did (that information came from one of my clients and was 100% accurate). I will share some amazing stories with you about my own spiritual awakening, all the signs and synchronicities that happened, messages & signs I received from the other side and I’ll even share with you some significant session messages (no names are revealed to protect client privacy, unless permission has been given). Below I have provided a link for you to give your email and I will send you a free guide on 5 Ways you Block Your Higher Self Connection.
Join my private FB group, check out my FB page or email me to book a session online.
Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing is one of the best things you can do for yourself! You can find out and heal so much and in the case of quantum healing, illness can be healed where appropriate, questions can be answered by your Higher Self, angels, guides, God/Source, guidance can be given and insight into the current life and life purpose. It's just amazing! I truly love doing it. It's also wonderful because it eliminates the fear of dying. Now what's not to love about all that?!
Basic Past Life Regression - £125.00
Quantum Healing Session - £222.00
My Book
I was so amazed by my spiritual journey that I decided to write and publish a book all about it called Spiritualize Me. You can buy it here:
Other Services I Offer
Soul Realignment (Akashic Records reading & clearing) - (coming soon)
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About Spiritual Hypno
Spiritual Hypno was created by Tracy Armitage as a place for those curious about spirituality and spiritual concepts to learn more through her book, courses, workshops, regressions and readings. You can check out the website here:
About Tracy Armitage
I am a Quantum Healer, Past Life Regression Therapist, Hypnotherapist and Author. I help people find and heal past trauma, obtain guidance and gain insight into current life issues through the use of Past Life Regression therapy and connecting to the higher self. I am super passionate about spirituality and spiritual information and love to share and help others on their own spiritual journey. I have has written a book on spirituality to help those on a spiritual journey or those who are just curious, to dip their toe into having an understanding of some of the main spiritual concepts that are encountered on one’s spiritual awakening.
I am from Northern Ireland but currently living in France. When I’m not practicing past life regression I love drinking coffee, reading books to widen her knowledge, knitting, crocheting, making jewellery, walking in nature and feeding the birds!